My previous blog on “The Rise of the Virtual Nursing Home”
attracted unprecedented traffic and stimulated a wide range of discussions.
That was a good thing. What has been the takeaway from those discussions thus far?
Let me share –
There are active projects underway to set up
technology demonstration centers located at the ‘brick & mortar’ communities
that show how those ‘aging-at-home’ in the surrounding geographic areas can
become part of the community.
These centers will show how to improve the quality
of life, security and social engagement while ‘aging-at-home’.
They will serve as a provision centers (show
rooms) for technologies that the community can provision to ‘boomers’ thereby engaging
with them actively as future residents during their ‘age-at-home’ stage.
By taking these actions assisted living communities not only
making very smart ‘marketing move’ but positioning themselves for new revenue
sources not just for the technology services but for additional care giver and
social services than can then naturally flow through their now established ‘virtual
Two technologies are at the starting point epicenter:
Unified care-recipient/care-giver tablet based communications – like
MyHomeReach, custom branded to the community. This technology establishes
a sense of community, allows for constant health status and security monitoring
and is designed to embrace everyone involved with community news and events –
including remote family members.
And, the use of (specialized for seniors) telepresence (video links) as in home video
consoles to facilitate tele-health and social engagement. And, if permitted to view the health ‘situation’ and living conditions of those at home. The products
have become very cost effective and are simple to set up
As we at ChartaCares are actively working to frame them out,
I can assure you that these
initiatives are moving forward – aggressively. If you would like to discuss
this subject further feel free to call me at 603-580-5497. I’d be happy to
share what we have learned.