The time has come to recognize that the use of social and service robots:
Reduces pain and stress in children facing medical procedures
Lessens the impact of autism
Brings affordable health care to rural
Reduces hospital re-admissions
Reduces the debilitating impact of loneliness
and isolation on seniors
Helps student learn more and faster
Increases retail store sales
No need to ponder further whether social and service robots
will find a role in the business models of hospitals, retail stores, retirement
communities, skilled nursing facilities, schools, libraries and in the homes of
those seeking to age-at-home. The reality is that they are already advancing these
business models, being driven by ever more sophisticated hardware constructs and
by the software that defines and manages a robot’s behavior.
Our social and service robots are at work today:
Serving as remote tele-medicine health examination
and health care services platform
Enhancing autism engagement therapies and delivering
lasting positive change
Serving as an assistant in pediatric medical procedures
reducing pain and stress in children by as much as 50%
Leading group exercise sessions in retirement
communities and skilled nursing facilities
Working in retail stores to enhance the customer
experience and satisfaction
Models for teaching students about science,
technology, engineering and math -STEM
Serving as concierge/hospitality helpers in
hotels and at major conferences and trade shows
Enhancing the lives of seniors via tele-presence
– reducing the debilitating impact of isolation and loneliness
In the earlier days of robotics, the question was: “What can
they do?” The question now is: “How and when will I start to (read: need to) use
this technology”.
Mike Radice is Chairman
of the Technology Advisory for ChartaCloud’s ROBOTTECA