Thursday, October 3, 2019

Why Every NAO Robot Needs a ZORA.

Why Every NAO Robot Needs A ZORA!
My 6 Experienced-based Reasons Why NAO Robot Users Are Excited About ZORA Software and ZoraBots

With years of experience reviewing, evaluating and testing many, many robot models and types and the behavior software associated with them, it is clear that Zora Software designed to drive the NAO robot is innovative, unique, comprehensive and best-in-class.
While we are excited about the Zora Software platform, especially when packaged with the NAO robot to form a ZoraBot, so are NAO Robot users!  

I believe it is best to let those users comment on why. I provide the following collected comments:
 “I am a teacher in special education in elementary school. I don’t have the time or the technical know-how to do deep-dive robot behavior development. I tried Choreographe but never was able to get productive. With the ZORA composer, I finally have a solution that is fast and easy.”

“I move my NAO robot to many different locations for many different purposes. It was always a “WiFi” connectivity and stability nightmare. With the ZORA secure ‘hotspot’ feature my connection problems are gone. Turn on the robot with ZORA and I am ready to go! Thank you!”

“Please know that I totally enjoy the scope of the ZORA behavior library. The pre-programmed behaviors seem to cover all my needs. What was a challenge to make the NAO robot do what I needed, I am now always one click away to making my vision happen. Keep those behaviors coming, please.”

“I used to only let the robot stand or sit. With the ZORA movement controller, I can drive the robot around the room or stage, it brings a new level of engagement to the time spent with NAO.”

“My NAO was sitting idle since the previous user moved to a new department. ZORA brought that NAO back to ‘active duty’! The little bot is an active part of the team now!”

While ZORA features are extensive, I share my own 6 key favorite features that experience has taught me as to why every NAO needs a ZORA. They are:
Turn on the NAO robot with ZORA and you are immediately ready to go with its own “HOTSPOT WiFi”. No need to spend time locating and configuring the proper WiFi for robot connectivity. For those of you that use NAO in multiple locations, this is an ideal ease of use feature. And, no need to seek the permissions of WiFi access in secure areas like schools and hospitals.

The ‘drag and drop’ behavior composer’. Simply drag the desired robot action ‘object icon’ onto a time-line player palate and you can compose your own custom robot behaviors. No need to spend time connecting and testing often confusing and conflicting boxes and arrows. The in-depth library of available ready-made behavior icons makes interacting with NAO and creating custom behaviors truly fun, efficient and a transforming experience.

A library of over 70+ pre-programed stories, dances, quizzes, and exercise routines provide a powerful inventory of robot behaviors for most every occasion. Always be ready with Zora.

Movement control. Zora’s on-screen robot navigation controller brings real-life movement to your fingertips. Using this controller, you can easily have NAO walk on-stage, enter a classroom or move about a trade show booth. No longer is NAO limited to sitting or standing in one place With ZORA NAO becomes an animated and active participant in your event!

Language to language translations. Type in one language and have NAO speak the phrase in another. Let your imagination contemplate the possibilities.
Perhaps my favorite feature is the ZORA PowerPoint presenter. I use it all the time to demonstrate the power of ZORA. Create your PowerPoint and in the ‘notes’ field for each slide simply type what you want NAO to say. Turn on the NAO PowerPoint function and run the “slideshow”. NAO will deliver the presentation and advance to the appropriate slide on cue! Use this ZORA feature for engaging business presentations and in-classroom educational presentations!

While making our customers excited, pleased and happy I like ZORA for one more critical reason. Now in its 9th version, it really works!

Such is the power of ZORA now working in pediatric hospitals, libraries, schools, elder care facilities, and retail! You can visit to learn more about ZORA software or about the ZoraBot combination.
NAO is a product of SoftBank Robotics. Zora is a product of ZoraBots.

Mike Radice is Chairman of the Technology Advisory for ChartaCloud ROBOTTECA.

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