Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why ‘Digital People’? They are ‘The New Face’ of AI/AGI and will become the interface to all things digital.

 I think we can all agree that AI/AGI is transforming the digital landscape of just about everything. What these transformative AI/AGI applications will herald is the need for a smart AI interface, a human-like interface. ‘Digital People’ are human-like, digitally created AI constructs (CGI animations; avatars) that appear to be humans and that can be empowered to converse, react, and respond quite like real humans.

Digital people technology will also advance the socially assistive robotics space. And the adoption will be rapid. The current domain of humanoid like robot hardware form factors being used today for socially assistive robotics remains bogged down in search of use cases that justify their cost and clearly demonstrate utility. This is true especially in the in-home and retail store markets which remain the ‘two burial grounds’ for today’s popular humanoid robot form factor hardware. In-home and retail space is just too limited, too obstacle riddled, and the intrusion of roaming robots wandering around is just too great. Screen based AI/AGI digital people platforms will be widely adopted.

 ‘Digital people’ robotic initiatives will deliver:

Voice controlled AI/AGI portals

A sense of authentic engagement powered by AI/AGI

Increased trustworthiness of robot interaction platforms

A growing sense of knowledgeable/learning companionship

A method of interface that feels like a personal, live T.V. and escapes the ‘uncanny valley’.

 Bottom line is that deployable digital people technologies are significantly more scalable ‘in the wild’ than robots using the traditional form factor.

 I predict that ‘digital people’ will become the interface to all things digital, the new face of an AI/AGI powered world. Get ready to run your entire personal day, your home, and your business via your own personalized ‘digital person’. Perhaps we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the keyboard?

Michael Radice is the Chairman of the Technology Advisory for and You can reach Mike at





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