Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Digital Humans ‘residing’ Inside Computer Server Farms and Not Physical Robots Will Drive the Workforce of the Future.

 How fast the paradigm changes. Up until this point we have been concerned about the impact that robots would have on jobs. It was and is a valid concern. It was, however, mostly limited to the impact of robotics on jobs in in factories and warehouse operations and not about socially assistive robots. The push back on socially assistive robots by skilled workers has been formidable. But a new technology is now emerging that will impact skilled knowledge workers. It is the combination of AI and digital human avatar interfaces.

If you are a CEO, COO or CTO you simply must be actively adjusting your strategies, plans and operational designs now to this expanding technological advance. Why? Because it will radically change competitiveness, operational cost constructs and drive improvements in brand loyalty. Digital Humans across the board is landscape changing.

The combination of AI and digital human avatars delivers a powerful formula of knowledge, responsiveness, and sustained customer engagement. These are essential keys to any business success.

Is it live or is it Memorex? I am old enough to remember the advertising for a recording tape product from a company called Memorex. They would challenge listeners to determine if the vocal they were listening to was live or was it a recording. Digital Humans are getting that good. Have you explored the current models like those offered by UneeQ a clear leader in the field? Can you tell the practical difference?

With AI powering the ‘brains’ of these digital humans they are also getting super smart on a protracted basis. The more they are used the smarter they get. So, having them deployed as customer service agents, health care advisors, transaction assistants only make sense. Add the benefit that you can deploy a digital human at significantly lower cost that a real human or even a robot and the business model for adoption becomes a no brainer.

Plus, there are other easily discoverable additional advantages of digital humans.

Digital Humans are an easily scalable resource – up or down- as service volume dictate while robots are not easily scalable and are in many attempted use cases proven to be intrusive.

And with Digital Humans there are no HR problems, no medical benefits, no vacations or holidays, no limits on hours worked and no taxes to cite just a few.

Will this be your business model in 2022?





Or will this be your business model?

It is time to define a digital humans strategy for your work force and choose the technologies that you will use. It is also time also to create a Human Resources (digital human) framework and associated policies. These digital humans will need to be evaluated, monitored, trained and managed. Sounds like human resources will be instrumental in deployments in this new digital age?

We are here to advise and assist. Don’t hesitate to reach out for conversation.

See our Visioneering Workshop: “Building the Digital Human Workforce” at www.robotteca.com

Mike Radice is Chairman of the Technology Advisory for ChartaCloud. Reach Mike at info@chartacoud.com


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